Young man holding mobile phone and credit/debit card outdoors

Credit Cards

Enjoy payment convenience through our mobile app, secure chip technology, mobile wallet compatibility and so many other features.

Get the freedom to cover unexpected expenses with awesome perks!

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NO Balance Transfer Fees
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NO Annual Fees
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NO Cash Advance Fee
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Visa’s Zero Liability Protection
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Debt Protection Available

Instant Issue Service

The faster you receive your credit card, the sooner you can start utilizing our benefits! For your convenience, we offer instant issue service. The instant issue debit and credit card service offers First Heritage Federal Credit Union members the purchasing power of Visa® right away. Cards are printed on demand at the following branches: Addison, Elmira Heights, Headquarters, Hornell, Horseheads, Southport, Mansfield and Wellsboro. 

Ready to activate your new card? It’s easy! You can activate your Visa credit card by calling JHA Card Activation & PIN Management toll free at 1-800-290-7893 (within U.S.) or 206-624-7998 (outside U.S.). Our easy activation process allows you to start using your credit card right away.  

Visa Balance Transfer

Take advantage of our Visa Balance Transfer and get 1.99% APR* for 12 months and no balance transfer fee! We make transferring your balance to First Heritage easy! You can Transfer your balance for FREE and you can request a balance transfer over the phone or online!

Credit Card Fraud:

Credit cards are convenient and their usage is higher than ever. Unfortunately, this also means that fraudsters have even more access to this information. First Heritage FCU uses advanced technology to detect unusual activity on your Visa cards.

  • Tap card features allow you to make payments by holding your card near a contactless symbol on a payment terminal, providing you extra protection.
  • Keep contact information on file with First Heritage FCU current.
  • We offer 24/7 fraud protection monitoring service.
  • Notify us if traveling- If you are traveling and plan to use your Visa Credit card, remember to let us know by calling or updating your notes in the First Heritage app, so you can be assured that your card services won't be disrupted while you're away. 
  • Regularly monitor activity on all accounts.
  • Notify us if card/PIN number is lost or stolen.
  • Make an attempt to contact a merchant directly to resolve an issue.
  • Contact us to file a dispute if unable to resolve directly with the merchant.
If it is determined that your information was compromised, contact us immediately so that we may guide you to a resolution. This may include filing a police report, contacting the three major credit bureaus, filing a written dispute with First Heritage FCU, closing the account, and obtaining a new card.

Visa® Platinum

Earn platinum rewards for gift cards or travel while enjoying a low annual percentage rate. Credit Limits starting at $5,000 and travel accident insurance is in included.
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Visa® Classic

Perfect card for people trying to build or repair credit with a manageable limit starting at $250 with a competitive fixed rate.
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*APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Balance transfer rate of 1.99%  effective for 12 months. Rate will revert to a variable APR of prime +4.50% APR for Visa Platinum and 13.25 APR for Visa Classic once the promotional period has ended. Current APR for purchases and cash advances is prime +4.50% APR for Visa Platinum and13.25 APR for Visa Classic. Rates accurate as of 01/01/2025 . Purchases and cash advances made in foreign countries and foreign currencies will be billed to you in U.S. dollars. The foreign transaction fee is 1% of the transaction amount. Limit: four balance transfers per 12-month period. New money only. Certain terms, conditions, and exclusions apply. In order for coverage to apply you must use your covered card to secure transactions. This credit union is federally insured by the National Credit Union Administration.